dissabte, de maig 20, 2006

What you're made of

Just like I predicted, we're at the point of no return
We can go backwards, and no corners have been turned
I can't control it, if I sink or if I swim
'Cause I chose the water that I'm in

And it makes no difference who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing but unable to give me anymore
There's no way,
You're changing,
Cause some things will just never be mine,
You're in not love this time...but it's alright.

I hear you talking, but your words don't mean a thing
I doubt you ever put your heart into anything
It's not much to ask for, to get back what I put in
But I chose the waters that I'm in

And it makes no difference who is right or wrong
I deserve much more than this
'Cause there's only one thing I want (

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing but unable to give me anymore
There's no way,
You're changing,
Cause some things will just never be mine
You're not in love this time...but it's alright.

What's your definition of the one?
What do you really want him to become?
No matter what I sacrifice it's still never enough.

Just like I predicted
I will sink before I swim
'Cause these are the waters that I'm in

If it's not what you're made of
You're not what I'm looking for
You were willing, but unable to give me anymore
There's no way,
You're changing,
'Cause some things will just never be mine
You're not in love this time.
You're not in love this time...
But is alright.


Blogger Laia said...

ei! és una cançó? no l'he sentit mai però el que he entès minimament de la lletra m'ha agradat...avui porto un dia de pràctica de la llengua anglesa...perquè uns anglesos m'han preguntat per the center of the city i cla els hi he hagut d'explicar en anglès, ha sigut tota una experiència!;)ens veiem!

11:22 a. m.  
Blogger el xiuxiueig del vent said...

Hahaha! Déu ni do! Però, eh!, cap problema no?? Segur que van anar a parar al ple mig de la plaça. Suposo que els hi vas dir: "yes, there is a star in the suelo!", no?

1:07 p. m.  
Blogger Laia said...

home no ho sé segur perquè els hi vaig indicar cap a la prada de metro que hi havia més aprop i havien de fer transord XD però de fet ja els hi vaig dir que no anava directe ke avien d mirar els maps!XD jajaa mira tu...l'intenció era bona!!

5:32 a. m.  

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